
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Peter McIntyre

Peter McIntyre - Photo from memories
Sometimes a picture says it all...

Peter McIntyre was born 17 March 1790 in Succoth, Argyllshire, Scotland, to Archibald MacIntyre and Mary McGlashan.

He was baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1840 and served as a Christian missionary for years throughout the Highlands. 

He eventually immigrated to Tooele, Utah, United States, where he died on 10 April 1872.

Something unique about Peter is that he wrote his autobiography, giving details about his time fighting in the Napoleonic Wars, being a missionary and travelling to Utah.

One of my current projects is writing a historical fiction novel from his autobiography. A labor of love that is taking me a long time!